CLIENT NEWS: Miami to Celebrate Completing First Two Phases of Flagler Street’s Curbless, Pedestrian-Friendly Rebuild

August 23, 2022

A ceremony is scheduled Friday to celebrate the completion of the first two sections of Downtown Miami’s Flagler Street rebuild.

The city says it is now working on completing the remaining three phases.

The project aims to make Flagler Street into a “festival-style boulevard,” with bollards that allow it to be completely closed to cars

When cars are on the street, they will be placed at the same elevation as pedestrians – making it more pleasant to walk on.

New features will include wider sidewalks, more shade, outdoor dining areas, lighting and signage improvements, public art, and smart city technology.

New utilities, including power, gas, fiber optics are also being installed to prepare for new vertical development.

The street itself will get design improvements that include patterned cobblestone-style pavers, curbless drains, railroad-themed streetscapes and enhanced landscaping.

Some parking spaces have also been removed, in favor of seating areas for restaurants.

Once the project is complete, Flagler Street is expected take back its spot as Miami’s downtown cultural destination, the city says.

Published on August 17, 2022 on

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