A developer has put together a plan to bring more residential units to the evolving Wynwood Norte neighborhood, along with several retail spaces.
Owner-developer Kambucha LLC plans to construct the new six-story Rose Wynwood building at 444 NW 33rd St.
The overall project will amount to 232,095 square feet of floor area, home to 140 residential dwelling units, 14 micro-retail units, and two retail spaces on the ground floor.
The city’s Urban Development Review Board unanimously recommended approval with one condition: Incorporate breaks in the building on all four elevations to improve the architectural form and massing, with emphasis on the east elevation.
Attorney Carli Koshal, representing the developer, said the 1.1-acre property is along Northwest Fifth Avenue between Northwest 32nd and 33th streets.
In a letter to the city Ms. Koshal wrote: “The project will include two two-bedroom units income restricted to at or below 80% Area Median Income (AMI), and two two-bedroom units income restricted to at or below 100% AMI, for a total of four income restricted units.
“The project brings relatively low-scale, beautifully designed residential units with onsite micro-retail to an area that is well-served by transit and transportation options and is compatible with the Wynwood Norte NRD-2 vision for the area,” she wrote.
Ms. Koshal said the scale and mass of the building reinforce and enhance the existing streetscape and neighborhood character by serving as a transition from Northwest Fifth Avenue to the lower scale residential character of the center of the Wynwood Norte neighborhood.
Specifically, she said the project will serve as a transition and visual buffer for the lower scale neighborhood. All building elevations visible from the public realm include architectural elements and materials that complement the character of the area and create a cohesive architectural composition.
Ms. Koshal wrote, “Additionally the plan honors the Wynwood Norte history by employing materials and styles that resonate with the community’s identify. This comprehensive approach ensures the creation of integrated, environmentally responsible landscapes that enrich the unique character of this area.”
The developer is requesting a waiver to the zoning code to allow it to exceed the maximum lot size and a waiver to allow an increase in lot coverage.
The property activates frontages on three sides: Northwest Fifth Avenue, Northwest 32nd Street, and Northwest 33rd Street.
Ms. Koshal said these frontages include habitable space activated by ground floor micro-retail units and features a unique design treatment that is compatible with the character of the neighborhood.
She wrote, “The façades feature beautiful landscaping designs, playful balconies that provide movement, glass, and unique design elements.”
Charles H. Benson & Associates Architects P.A. designed the project.
Board member Agustin Barrera said, “It looks like two different projects, with different materials and the configuration of the balconies … it’s very monotonous. The building fits well on the site but it just doesn’t talk Wynwood to me.”
As for the program offered, he said “well done.”
Board member Anthony Tzamtzis called the project interesting.
Board member Robert Behar said, “I don’t mind the different vocabulary … one concern, one suggestion, the back needs a break. Break up that massing.”
He added, “You’ve got beautiful green spaces.”
Board member Francisco Perez-Azua said, “I don’t mind the differences in the façade. I think it’s unique … I appreciate the terraces. This will be a nice addition to the Wynwood Norte area.”
Board member Fidel Perez said, “It looks too strong, too big. Look at how you can break this up. You have an opportunity to break this up into different portions … if you break it up it will be a lot better.”
Board Chair Ignacio Permuy said, “I see many good things happening. I like the articulation. Overall, it’s a good project.”